Greta Thunberg’s Clarion Call

Greta Thunberg in front of the Parliament House of Sweden

Greta Thunberg might not be as popular as people such as Leonardo DiCaprio but the bold speech she held at the 2018 COP24 in Katowice definitely impressed many.

I don’t care about being popular. I care about climate Justice and a living planet

Thumbnail from video cop24 where greta thunberg speaking

Click on the image to watch the video

Who is Greta Thunberg?

Born in Sweden from actor Svante Thunberg and former opera singer Malena Ernman, Greta Thunberg is a 16 years old activist with Asperger’s Syndrome whom fights against Global warming.

In fact, not only does she fights against it but protests in the name of her school (Skolstrejk för klimatet) in front of the Swedish Parliament and demands that the rich country that she lives in reduces its emissions of Greenhouses gazes for the sake of our environment.

The young activist used to protest everyday to express her anger, dismay and moreover her concern but as she was missing school, she chose Friday as her only strike and symbolic day.

What is the Global Warming?

According to the Global Warming or Climate Change is a “process that causes the average temperature on Earth to warm up or increase“.

climate change infographic

Credits: World Health Organization

Since the industrial revolution and due to the human activities, the greenhouses gazes increased dangerously throughout the years. Thus, they accumulated and stagnated creating in the process a heat-retaining layer. Therefore, our planet has already suffered from the consequences of the climate change : Glaciers are melting, numerous wildfires took over the forests and sea levels are rising…

Politicians at fault

In her speech at the COP24, Greta did not beat about the bush. She had one purpose, making sure that her voice was heard and she definitely did not miss this opportunity to impress her audience. The young activist held a powerful yet moving speech about the global warming and why it is important that politicians act rather than just talk about it.

She told them:

We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis

In other words, Greta claims that the politicians are at fault for not doing everything in their power to protect our planet and that thanks to them, the future generations -including her future children- will suffer the consequences of their ignorance.

Perseverance and inspiration

Thunberg is dedicating her life to the cause she defends. In fact, she changed her whole lifestyle into being a vegan. Also, she only buys clothes when it’s necessary and make sure that all her travels are ecological and non-polluting.

Not only did Greta became one of the most memorable faces of the Cop24, she also became a role model to many students all around the world as they started to demonstrate to show that, like Greta, even at a young age they indeed do care about their planet’s future.

Those pictures taken in Australia and Belgium show thousands of teenagers peacefully demonstrating while claiming a change for their planet. Greta’s speech and perseverance have enticed and inspired many other students to follow her path, highlighting once again the fact that she is an inter-generational role model.

Greta Thunberg in Davos

The young Thunberg is currently on her 24th week of strike and she claims that
« there’s still no action in sight » and therefore she will continue her strike until Sweden and other countries take action.

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